About TNC No. 32
Our Lodge was founded in 1907 by a group of men dedicated to creating a Lodge like none other in the District of Columbia. Over the years, we have enhanced the programs handed down to us from our founders and added new ones. For this reason, for more than 100 years, we have continued to say, “It is dangerous to miss a Temple-Noyes-Cathedral Lodge event.”
From the Worshipful Master
As Worshipful Master of Temple-Noyes-Cathedral Lodge No. 32, I’d like to welcome you to our website. Here, you will find information about who we are and what we do. I welcome you to contact us and come meet us.
Men of good character can join our Lodge by attending our socials and getting to know us personally. If you like what you see, ask someone for a petition. No one will offer – it’s up to you to express interest. We have one new class every year and there are three ceremonies, or degrees, to become a Master Mason. They take place in April, June and October.
If you’d like to learn more about us or come to an event, get in touch through the contact page on this site. And if you want to learn about Freemasonry in general, please visit the website of the Grand Lodge of Washington, D.C.
Sincerely and fraternally,