Our Events
Most months, our lodge holds one meeting and one social event. We take tremendous pride in our practice of Freemasonry and in celebrating its history and its mission to make good men better. At the same time, we have a great appreciation for fellowship and fun. Our social activities involve gatherings at members' houses, an annual Oktoberfest dinner, a shotgun shoot, and numerous other events throughout the year.
While our events are for members and their invited guests, feel free to reach out using the contact form and we’ll be happy to provide more information about our lodge and our activities.

December Stated Communication
Agenda: Stated Communication: Installation of 2025 Worshipful Master & Line Officers.
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner — doors open at 7pm.

December Social - Co-Ed Holiday Party
Br. Blaine Asher's Home
5649 Western Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20015

November Stated Communication
Agenda: Past Master’s Night
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner — doors open at 7pm.

October Communication
Agenda: Master Mason degree.
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner - doors open at 7pm.

September Communication
Agenda: Presentation & discussion about CPR, first aid, and emergency response.
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner - doors open at 7pm.

Welcome Back (from Summer) Social
Br. Winston Sale’s Home
Address will be sent by email.

Midsummers Lunch
Unofficial social: Dutch Treat lunch at The Palm
1225 19th Street
Washington, DC 20036

June Communication
Agenda: Fellow Craft Degree
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner - doors open at 7pm.
June Social - Shotgun Shoot & Picnic
Izaak Walton League
20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD 20837

May Communication
Presentation and discussion about the paper “King Solomon’s Quarries and Their Masonic Significance.”
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner — doors open at 7pm.

April Communication
Agenda: Entered Apprentice Degree
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner — doors open at 7pm.

April Social - BBQ
Cinder BBQ
“The brisket gets a Texan salt-and-pepper dry rub before going into a Southern Pride smoker overnight. Servings come out unsauced and ready for several bottles on the table: a sweet and spicy BBQ sauce made from Redemption bourbon that goes well with the beef; a sweeter apple cider vinegar that’s “about as good as it gets” on chicken, according to Anderson; and a Carolina vinegar for pulled pork.” - DCist
800 Upshur St. NW, Wash., DC 20011

March Communication
Agenda: Discussion and presentation about the concept of a Masonic contract and its relation to early legal agreements.
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner — doors open at 7pm.

March Social - St. Patrick's Day
Irish Inn at Glen Echo
6119 Tulane Ave., Glen Echo, MD 20812

February Communications
Agenda: goals for 2024; charitable activities; lodge finances.
Join the Worshipful Master for a pre-communication dinner - doors open at 7pm.

December Stated Communication
Installation of new Officers.
Come early for pre-lodge food and drinks with the Worshipful Master. Doors open at 7pm.

Co-Ed Holiday Party
This is a Co-Ed Holiday party so come dressed to impress and have some fun. Valet parking is included.
DeCarlo's Restaurant
6:30 pm
4000 Cathedral Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016

November Stated Communication
Past Masters’ lodge.
Come early for pre-lodge food and drinks with the Worshipful Master. Doors open at 7pm.

October Stated Communication
The Master Mason degree will be conferred.
Come early for pre-lodge food and drinks with the Worshipful Master. Doors open at 7pm.